Disentangle: When You've Lost Yourself in Someone Else
Disentangle: When You’ve Lost Your Self in Someone Else (2nd Ed) (Central Recovery Press, 2020) is about the process of finding your self when you are lost in your relationship with someone else. It is about creating emotional and cognitive balance so you are better able to see the realities of your situation and make healthier decisions about it. It is not necessarily about leaving/divorcing/ending a relationship but rather becoming grounded, centered, and connected within so you can then decide what to do about the relationship in which you are entangled.
Disentangle is for people who want to emotionally break free from relationships that are unhealthy for them, including those who:
are living with an alcoholic/addict.
are dealing with codependency.
are adult children of alcoholics.
are being emotionally or physically hurt in their relationships.
are in a relationship with a narcissist.
are being gaslighted.
want to get out of a relationship and can’t.
take care of others more than themselves.
are unable to say “No.”
Disentangle is also helpful for:
parents of teenagers.
individuals dealing with divorce.
individuals dealing with chronic illness in a family member.
empty-nest issues.
relationships with in-laws.
aging-parents issues.
interpersonal problems at work.
The applicability of the ideas in Disentangle is wide. Almost all of us at some time and to some degree can become entangled with someone else. Our mental health depends upon our ability to not lose our self as we do interact in these emotionally complicated situations. Our mental health depends upon our ability to balance our focus on the other person with our focus on our self.
Disentangle is a reader’s tool box. With over 50 concrete ideas, it offers information and insights to help the reader stop the self-destructive process of entanglements, re-center, and act in ways that are true for them.